Drunk Driving
Understanding California drunk driving laws for those under 21
In Orange County and throughout California, people are undoubtedly aware of the potential legal and personal challenges that accompany a charge of driving under the influence (DUI). A conviction can result in a person getting their driver’s license suspended, fines...
Can you reuse to take a breath test when asked to by police?
If you are pulled over by the police and are accused of drunk driving, you likely will be asked to perform a breath test or blood test. Sometimes it may seem like doing so would not be beneficial for you and you will not want to submit. What happens if you refuse to...
Three fast facts about drunk driving charges in California
Drunk driving charges are serious legal matters that can have devastating long-term consequences. When a Newport Beach resident is charged with a DUI crime, they should understand the full scope of penalties that they may face, both legal and personal. A knowledgeable...
Man facing murder charges for crash that killed 18-year-old
When a person has been pulled over by law enforcement on suspicion of a DUI or has been arrested for a DUI in California, they can feel like everyone is against them. It is true that crimes like DUI are aggressively prosecuted in California and authorities will do...
Teenager struck, killed by drunk driver in Orange
A 19-year-old man was crossing Tustin Street in Heim Avenue when he was struck by a Ford F-250 pickup truck. The accident occurred in the late evening when the pickup ran a red light while traveling southbound on Tustin Street. The victim was traversing the north side...