Penalties Associated With Criminal Convictions
A criminal conviction of any sort, even a misdemeanor, can upset different areas of your life now as well as in the future. The type of crime you are facing i.e. a felony vs. a misdemeanor has a lot to do with the ultimate administrative, financial and legal penalties you may face. In addition, your prior criminal record, events leading up to the arrest as well as how you reacted at time of arrest can all impact the consequences you may face.
Common penalties brought on by a criminal conviction can be: fines, fees, court costs, loss of driving privileges, loss of child custody, jail time, a prison sentence, alcohol or drug rehab classes, SR-22 program and house arrest.
Do not face this alone. Consulting with, and ultimately retaining, an experienced Orange County criminal attorney is a wise move. David Swanson can help you. Learn more about the founding attorney of Law Office Of David Swanson by clicking the link below:
Orange County Criminal Defense Lawyer Fighting For You
Many people who are facing criminal or DUI charges have no idea what the real cost of a conviction is. The cost can many times go well above and beyond court costs, fines, fees and restitution. If your charges are serious enough, or you have a criminal record, many areas of your life will be impacted. Even something seemingly small such as a drug crime conviction can result in you losing your license for a period of time. With no license it gets very difficult to get back and forth to work. That can compromise your ability to remain employed, pay your bills and support your family. If you are convicted of a felony or a sex offense in Orange County, California you may lose your freedom as you will be facing jail or prison time. Also, as a sex offender it will become increasingly difficult to get housing or rent an apartment as you will have to register as a sex offender and that shows up on background checks. As you can see a situation as serious as this warrants the aid of an experienced Orange County criminal lawyer. Newport Beach Criminal Defense Lawyer David E. Swanson is a former public defender who is certified as a specialist in criminal law by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization.
While we offer vast experience and success in handling misdemeanor and felony criminal defense cases, clients have come to count on us for caring about them and how their cases are resolved. We make it our commitment to ensure your rights are protected, and we have achieved the best possible outcome of the criminal case. For more information or to schedule an appointment for a free consultation about your criminal charge, contact us now. Mr. Swanson’s office is located just minutes from the Harbor Courthouse. Orange County Criminal Lawyer David E. Swanson proudly defends the accused throughout all of Orange County, California and surrounding areas including, but not limited to, Anaheim, Anaheim Hills, Bellflower, Costa Mesa, Fullerton, Irvine, Long Beach, Newport Beach, Orange, Rancho Santa Margarita, Riverside, Santa Ana, San Clemente, Seal Beach, Carlsbad and Vista, California.