Year: 2022
Under what circumstances is a DUI considered a felony?
Maybe it’s not your first DUI. You have gotten one before and while the whole experience was unpleasant you may think you know what to expect. However, if your DUI is treated as a felony this time instead of as a misdemeanor, you are sailing in new waters that you are...
How does the federal government classify dangerous drugs?
While all federal drug crimes are serious, the severity of penalties depends on which federal schedule the drugs at issue fall under. The more dangerous the drug, the more severe the penalties. Generally, federal drug schedules are based on whether there is an...
Understanding California drunk driving laws for those under 21
In Orange County and throughout California, people are undoubtedly aware of the potential legal and personal challenges that accompany a charge of driving under the influence (DUI). A conviction can result in a person getting their driver’s license suspended, fines...
White-collar crimes come with a price
White-collar crimes deal almost exclusively with money and finances. Reasonable people could draw the conclusion that these alleged acts remain those of the well-to-do. Statistics from the Justice Department suggest otherwise. Not only have convictions have increased...
What can you expect as your criminal case moves forward?
If you have been arrested in California, chances are you have more questions than answers, no matter what the charge is. From misdemeanors to felonies, each year thousands of people face criminal cases in California. Not everyone knows how these cases will play out....
Can you use self-defense in your violent crime case?
If you’ve been involved in a domestic dispute, then you know that they can quickly turn physical. When someone ends up hurt as a result, the other person may end up facing allegations of criminal wrongdoing. If you’re reading this blog post, then that person may be...
Suppressing evidence may be crucial to your case
Drug crime allegations can quickly derail your life. They can damage your reputation, sure, but they can also threaten you with jail or prison time and fines that can be ruinous to your financial standing. That’s why if you’ve been accused of a drug crime, then you...
Fentanyl crimes could soon have harsher penalties in California
An arrest for any crime in Newport Beach and throughout California can be the catalyst to a litany of personal and professional problems. If these allegations are related to drugs and reach the felony level, those who are accused must be aware of the challenges they...
Mother’s conviction for fetal death overturned
One of the most difficult and controversial issues in law is the question of whether a person, specifically a woman, can be found guilty of the death of an unborn child in an accident related to the mother’s use of drugs. A judge in King’s County Superior Court...
The three types of manslaughter under California law
Manslaughter is one of the most serious crimes a person in Orange County can commit. After all, it involves the taking of a life unlawfully and without malice. There are three types of manslaughter under California law. Voluntary versus involuntary manslaughter One...