Year: 2023
Possible battery charges based on California domestic violence laws
When disagreements between partners or family members get heightened, the conflict may get out of hand. Often, when law enforcement in California is called to a domestic matter, one or more individuals could be placed under arrest with the presumption that they were...
When does theft become a felony in California?
If you are accused of theft in California, your charge could be treated as a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the circumstances. The crime of theft is the unlawful taking of another person’s property without their consent. You must also intend to permanently...
Understanding the “collateral consequences” of a conviction
When California residents face a criminal charge, they understandably have one primary concern: protecting their freedom. From misdemeanor charges to the highest of felony cases, criminal charges can land people behind bars, sometimes for years. However, besides...
Know the law when facing charges of driving while high
With the legalization of recreational marijuana in California, there is a greater chance of drivers being stopped and accused of driving under the influence of drugs. In the past, the focus for DUI was on alcohol. Now, there are inevitable questions about how drivers...
Penalties for white-collar identity theft
An identify theft crime happens when a person uses or possesses another person’s information for financial gain. It usually occurs in a professional setting by a person in a position of trust. Examples Examples of white-collar identity theft include using another...
Addressing an accusation of money laundering
If you are accused of money laundering, it can carry serious penalties. Money laundering involves making illegal funds look as though they came from a legitimate source. Money laundering overview Money laundering usually involves depositing money into a bank or...
How to handle a DUI checkpoint
You have a lot to lose with a DUI conviction. The penalties for DUI in California are extremely high, which is why you want to do your best to avoid a charge. When you come upon a DUI checkpoint, your first instinct may be to stop, turn around and avoid it. You are...
What are the penalties for insider trading?
Many companies offer their employees an opportunity to buy stock in the organization. However, if an employee is accused of insider trading, it can carry serious penalties. Insider trading overview Insider trading occurs when a person illegally buys or sells stock or...
Is a police stop as a pedestrian different than as a driver?
If you live in California or plan to visit, you may wonder what to do if you encounter a police officer. This could be while walking as a pedestrian or driving as a driver. And, to be clear, there are differences between these two situations. Pedestrian stops As of...
Can I refuse a breathalyzer test?
If you are pulled over for suspected drunk driving in Newport Beach you may wonder if you can refuse to take a breathalyzer test. The answer is not simple, as there are different types of breath tests and different consequences for refusing them. Preliminary alcohol...